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College Services

College Service

AP Academy now offers college counseling and guidance services! Our director of education, Tasha Chang, is a certified college counselor guiding students through the ever-changing and selective admissions process. Find out more below!


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UC Admissions

UC Admin

When applying to UC Colleges it is important to take note of these deadlines and factors when making your final decision.

Have transcript and course schedule ready when you fill out the application

August 1st - Application opens

November 1st - Filing period starts

November 30th - Application deadline

Only apply to the campus if you would actually go there

  • There are 9 undergraduate campus options

  • $70/campus, fee waiver for up to 4 campuses

  • Some programs have supplemental applications

    • Arts, nursing, specialty programs​

    • List these first to trigger supplemental app email

    • STEM majors and those with supplemental apps are generally more competitive 

Admissions are based on review of the 13 Factors of Comprehensive Review 

UC Essentials - 13 Factors

UC essentials

If you plan on applying to any UC schools, here are 13 essential elements that campuses may review to select to their admitted class. 

1. Academic grade point average in all completed A-G courses, including additional points for completed UC-certified honors courses.

2. Number of, content of, and performance in academic courses beyond the minimum A-G requirements.

3. Number of and performance in UC-approved honors and Advanced Placement courses

4. Identification by UC as being ranked in the top 9 percent of their high school class ("eligible in the local context," or ELC)

7. Outstanding performance in one or more academic subject areas.

5. Quality of a student's senior-year program, as measured by the type and number of academic courses in progress or planned

8. Outstanding work in one or more special projects in any academic field of study.

10. Recent, marked improvement in academic performance, as demonstrated by academic GPA and the quality of coursework completed or in progress.

11. Academic accomplishments in light of a student's life experiences and special circumstances.

6. Quality of their academic performance relative to the educational opportunities available in their high school

9. Location of a student's secondary school and residence.

12. Completion of special projects undertaken in the context of a student's high school curriculum or in conjunction with special school events, projects or programs.

13. Special talents, achievements and awards in a particular field, such as visual and performing arts, communication or athletic endeavors; special skills, such as demonstrated written and oral proficiency in other languages; special interests, such as intensive study and exploration of other cultures; experiences that demonstrate unusual promise for leadership, such as significant community service or significant participation in student government; or other significant experiences or achievements that demonstrate the student's promise for contributing to the intellectual vitality of a campus.

Purpose and Passion


The following questions will teach you how to stand out for admissions and finding your direction for college and career. 

Nature vs. Nurture

The old adage of how "You were just born this way" vs "This is how you were raised". We are all born with natural abilities and talents, and adamant likes and dislikes. We are shaped by how we are raised whether or not we resemble those who raised us. Looking back on your childhood can help spark what you found connection with, what brough you joy, and what was most memorable.

What are some of your best memories from childhood that made an impression?

What were you curious about? Have you pursued them? Why or why not?

What made you daydream or lose track of time?

What were your dreams made up of?

Your Future

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" is the question that every student is asked by a teacher, parent, friend, or familiar adult. This obligatory question is really a means to ask, "How do you want to spend the rest of your life?". Ideally, our educational investment, life experiences, and what we find joy in would coalesce to a productive personal life and future.

How could you give back to your community, locally and globally?

What activities bring you joy? (hiking, meeting new people, solving equations, etc.)

Who or what kinds of people bring you joy?

What develops your passion?

Cultivating Confidence and Purpose

Repeat the following: "Intentionally building my self-empowerment in confidence and purpose." Read that slower. With intention. Equipped with grit and a growth mindset, think of what your definition of success is and how to actively pursue this goal.

What excites you that creates a fire in you?

What are you exceptional at? (NBA stats, best friend listener, Shakespeare whiz, best baker, etc.)

What major issues are you curious about? What makes you pause and think?

How could you participate in your previous answer?

How could you make an impact, no matter how small?

Characteristics Colleges Look For


Admission officers want a candidate that expresses great character and personality. Colleges want applicants with strong academic and social skills.








The 3 P's of Extracurricular Activities

3 Ps

Extracurriculars are definitely something you want to add to your college applications. Learn how to effectively explain your experiences, skills, and accomplishments. 


What really excites you? Build that into an activity that makes a positive impact in the community. Anything creative, STEM, or any social interest related.

Sports: Learn important social and life skills. Develop confidence, responsibility, and the importance of failure.


Make an impact globally and locally. Volunteering and putting on service events are ways to advocate for causes that you are personally passionate about. You will put focus on our common humanity and serve anyone in need. The importance of community service renders the goal of being a productive member of society.


Be authentic: A strong extracurricular activity idea is something you are genuinely interested in and shows who you really are. It is important to show how you spend your time.

Dedication: Committing to something for at least 12 months shows that you are invested. The longer you participate, the more it shows that you are actively engaged in something meaningful.

Must Have Extracurriculars

At least 1

One year of job experience

Summer internship

Council member of a club (NHS, Key Club, etc.)

Your Planning Pathway-College Readiness


Create a pathway for college by finding your strengths and interests; learn the application process and requirements early on. 

Steps towards College Readiness

Cognitive Strategies

Open to intellectual curiosities

Analyzing, precision & accuracy, and problem solving skills

Academic Portfolio

Transcript, GPA, and necessary classes

Course selection and rigor

Executive Function

Metacognition & Emotional Skills for life management

Planning, Organization/Time Management, Attention


Application and Admissions information

College culture & norms

Financial Aid

Maintain on track!

Actively be engaged and progressed toward your goals. Maintain strong academics and invest in your extracurricular activities. Research your passion.


We invite you to schedule a free 30-minute consultation with our director to collaboratively establish the most effective plan to guide you or your student towards academic success.





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